Fred the Cat and Litter Box Rules
I heard about that senator who was fooling around in the men’s room and got caught by the cops. Stupid thing he did.
If I was in my litter box and another cat stuck his paw in there, it would be the last time he would see that paw. I’d bite it right off. He might also get a face full of litter box contents just for good measure. You absolutely do not mess with any cat while he or she is in the litter box. That’s the first rule of litter box etiquette. No exceptions! What cats want to do elsewhere is their business. A litter box equals privacy.
Here’s your weekend treat. If you haven’t read “Pissing on Paris”, you owe it to yourself to have a good laugh this weekend. Here’s a little hint, Paris is a cat. If you don’t laugh, I’ll refund your catnip. If you laugh until you wet your pants, that’s your problem.
Have a great weekend
Fred the Cat (the cat who loves you guys)