Weather radio warns of afternoon thunderstorms for our county.
Pop- Fred, come inside from the patio so you won’t get wet and frightened
Fred the Cat- Grrrr!
Pop- Come on Fred, come inside now
Fred the Cat- Grrrr!
Pop- Fred, either come in or I’m coming to get you
Fred the Cat (now under the patio table): Grrrr!
Pop- Okay big guy, you asked for it
Fred the Cat (still under the patio table)- Grrrr!
Pop- Okay you jerk, if you haven’t sense enough to look after yourself, I guess I’ll have to do it for you
Fred the Cat- Grrrr!
Pop (now also under the patio table on her hands and knees picking up Fred the Cat )- Fred, why must we go through this every day?
Fred the Cat (now being carried inside in Pop’s arms)- Purrrrr
Have a great weekend and stay out of thunderstorms!
Fred the Cat (the cat who loves you guys!)