All humans are worried about their finances and that’s certainly understandable all things considered. But sometimes an event will occur that snaps you back to reality and how precious every minute should be. Such an event happened here in the Pop’s world Wednesday.
Mr. Pop was driving to a meeting. As he was driving across a cross road and out of no where there was a car turning right in front of him. He swerved to try to avoid hitting the car but did hit it on the rear passenger side. No one was even slightly injured but Mr. Pop’s work truck will most like be deemed a total loss. The other car had only minor damage and the owner was able to drive it home.
He didn’t tell Pop about this until he came home from the lab that night. You would have to know Pop to know how this freaked her out. Hell, it freaked us all out. Of course the first concern was that no one was injured, but the possibilities of what could have been are just too horrible and frightening to even think about. That moment in time could have changed a lot of lives.
So the reason I, Fred the Cat, am sharing this with you is just to remind you about the old saying, Make every minute count. Don’t take anything for granted. Hug your honeys.
Martini and I hope that Pop gets control of her anxiety pretty soon because she’s driving us crazy with all these extra hugs and petting. Funny though, Mr. Pop doesn’t seem to mind all the extra attention she’s giving him.
Have a great weekend and share the love
Fred the Cat (the cat that loves you guys!)