Oh, what a little dog. He’s two years old, neutered, housebroken, already has learned his new name and is bilingual (understands commands in Spanish and English). What more could you want? Oh yeah, he’s gentle and sweet as can be. He weighs a hefty 6.8 pounds and is very easy going. He acts like he’s lived here all his life.
He ignores Fred the Cat and Fred the Cat ignores him. We have a peaceful kingdom here.
To make Martini’s day, just ask him to go get his toy ball. The little guy lives to chase that ball and bring it to you for you to throw it again. He brings the ball to you and politely sits while you take it and throw it. I think he would repeat this until he dropped.
There has been one problem. Remember how persnickety the foster mom was about being sure I could give him everything he needed, care for him and have the right home for him? She even inquired about how much Fred the Cat weighed. Our vet’s office told us when she called for references about us, she asked how Murphy was euthanized and why. The vet explained to her that he was about 16 years old, blind, deaf and had canine dementia. The exact same thing I had told the woman when I filled out the application to adopt a dog from her.
Well, after taking possession of Martini from the foster mom last Thursday afternoon, we discovered Saturday morning that he was loaded with ticks. Thankfully we could get in touch with Mr. Pop’s sister, who is a veterinarian, she told us to get a package of Frontline. We applied it according to directions and now hopefully we are on the track to tick-less-ness. The only ones we are finding are dead.
While the foster mom was so picky with me, I wonder if she was as picky with her own care of Martini? Perhaps she could be a little less persnickety and a little more responsible.
(this photo of Martini was captured from the foster group’s website)