Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Deadly Monster in the Gulf

Each time I hear news about the oil in the Gulf of Mexico I feel sick to my stomach and sadder. In just over a week we will be heading to what we call our home away from home as we drive over to the southwest coast of Florida. I have lost count of how many summers we have spent at the same place over there. This year the beaches will be as they’ve always been but I am frightened of what they may be like this time next year.

It’s like a giant monster is slowly creeping through the Gulf and killing everything in its path. The only question is when will it arrive and who is next to fall victim to it and its horrible consequences.


Blogger Ricky Shambles said...

I dare say the shadow of the hurricane season looms even greater this year, with the potential to turn the Monster into a Destroyer of Life.

June 04, 2010 8:41 AM  

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