Friday, March 17, 2006
Previous Posts
- Bomb-Sniffing Dog Sniffing Dogs
- Land of the Free to Attack Anyone, Anywhere
- Trapped at the Circus of Death
- The Other Terrorism
- Does he have a point here?
- Gathering up the Moments
- The President of the United States
- Let Senator Feingold know how you feel
- Feingold Takes it to the President
- Two Assassination Attempts, Two Crimes Against Hum...
i love my tree frogs. Thats a great pic. Check your email Pop, I made you that profile pic.
Morning haiku:
Frog nestled in rose;
Morning dew touching petals;
Sleep well, little frog.
Okay, maybe it's not too good, but it's early yet.
I can't wait to hear the peeping of's a welcomed sign of spring.
BTW...beautiful rose!
Walt...CLAP, CLAP!
Walt, I'm clapping along with renee :)
excellent photo ... sure looks comfy
Just thinking about sleeping in a bed of rose petals - and such a gorgeous rose, too. Excellent photo, there.
Thank you rory, et al. I have this photo as my wallpaper on my desktop. I usually change my wallpaper with seasons and so forth, but this little frog pic has been there for several seasons because he looks so serene. Looking at him is good for my soul.
I'm worn out from Craig's site - thought I'd drop in for a respite. Love tree frogs - they used to lull me to leep when I was a kid. I never believed anything that small could make such a loud noise. Headin' out to try and find Van's new record. Neither of the bigboxes had it. Later.
That's sleep, not leep. Sorry
What a great place to take a rest!
The photo, which is very good, tells me you're taking some time to smell the roses along this life's way. Good for you! The chatter over on CL really makes me want to spend a little more time in the garden, too. Have a great day, PoP.
POP, what's the rose's name, do you remember?? How big does it get for you?
Lovely pix!!
- oddjob
It's a Don Juan climbing rose bush. This bush has made it through three hurricanes, had two heavy privacy fences fall on it and it's hanging in there. You just give them something to lean to, like a fence and tie the limbs as need be. Right now it's six foot high and sending out new growth all over the place.
This isn't where I bought the rose, but here's some info on it.
Don Juan
Huh! I've seen pictures of Don Juan before (big rose enthusiast here), but I didn't realize it was able to get that coral color.
How fragrant does it seem to be?
I live in a condo complex with no room for a climbing rose (we've already got a couple that the landscapers routinely butcher by trying to turn into 3' shrubs each August - guess what hardly ever has any flowers to write home about?), but I'm always ready to learn more about someone's experiences with a rose!
- oddjob
Afternoon haiku:
"Blog" my brother frog,
Sunshine sleeping, hid from view.
Heady with perfume.
Evening haiku
Scent and red softness
I lie still and meditate
Green pond and tadpoles
Nash, this was taken not so long after a hurricane and the little guy looked so content and secure, that it rubbed off on me. If he was content, maybe I could be too.
Nash, Morning Martini's first anagram. Woo woo!
I once has a little canary named
Eros. It was supposed to be a singing male. She laid so many eggs it killed her.
I adore roses! I have planted my own mini-garden - all heavily scented; I love to wander amongst them, filling my head with each individual perfume. It's rejuvenating. Nice picture of the frog - he seems so content there. Wonderful rose too. Looks really healthy. As I live down south - black spot tend to be quite the scourge. As I garden organically, controlling it has escaped me so far. Ah well - another spring, another year in which to experiment. Do you have any problems where you are? Our climate can be somewhat unforgiving. At any rate - good luck with your garden, my dear!
Magnificently cool photo. Tres tres bon bon cool.
our roses are on their way..............i cannot wait
thank you for posting that incredible picture. warm
He was there and I ran to get my camera. He looked at me as if to say, what cha want? And I said, hang on little dude, just one picture.
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