Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Doctors Were Right

When I was discharged from the hospital in August the doctors told me in about three months I would feel better than I had felt in years. Well we’re quickly approaching the end of those three months and oh my, the doctors were right. I have more energy than I know what to do with. I can eat and drink anything I want and I am feeling better and better every minute. Life is truly good.

We’ll be leaving in the not so distant future on our driving trip, for our 25th wedding anniversary, to see the autumn leaves and now that I’m feeling so much better, I can’t wait.

Martini goes in tomorrow for his annual dental cleaning, I get my highlights touched up on Saturday and Martini gets his hair groomed next Saturday. We are getting all ready for our new adventure and thanks to two wonderful doctors, I’m feeling fantastic!


Blogger fallenmonk said...

Good to hear and have a wonderful trip. Let's hope the drought has not dulled the splendor of the fall.

October 12, 2011 1:56 PM  
Blogger Anon-Paranoid said...


So glad too hear your doing well. Have a great trip on your 25th. and stay well and safe.

God Bless...

October 13, 2011 8:36 AM  
Blogger Freida Bee said...

So glad Happy Anniversary!

October 16, 2011 7:08 AM  

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