Merry Christmas Murphy. From Fred the Cat.

Hey, Fred the Cat here!
This will be the last post here for several days. Pop won’t be here to carry her weight in this posting spot until probably next Thursday or Friday.
My Christmas gift to Murphy the Dog is putting his picture at the top of my post today instead of one of me. Murphy is on in years now, but I know he’ll appreciate my showing you his sweetness in his younger days.
Before we start reading the last of the Christmas stories, I want to wish all of you the happiest and merriest of days next week, no matter what you do. That message also comes from Murphy the Dog, Mr. Pop and Pop too.
Let’s all raise our glasses and cat bowls as we toast to one day experiencing Peace on Earth.
Ps, Here’s hoping Santa brings lots of Cosmic catnip.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Love to All!
Fred the Cat (the cat who loves you guys)
My Christmas Dolls
When I was a little kid, the most beautiful thing I ever saw were those big dolls they sold in grocery stores at Christmas. They were almost three feet tall and were displayed in boxes with one side having a cellophane window so the dolls were exposed. Oh my goodness the feelings I felt as I gazed up at them on the shelves. There were brunette dolls and blonde dolls. I’m telling you, they were treasures to my eyes. There they stood in their beautiful boxes smiling down at me. Sometimes the boxes were almost as pretty as the dolls. I don’t know how much they cost but I knew that they were way beyond anything Santa could ever deliver to my door. But, but gosh they were beautiful.
Santa did sometimes bring me a doll and I loved whatever he chose for me. It’s probably good that I never walked into the living room on Christmas morning to see one of those big beautiful dolls under the Christmas tree because I would have probably had a little kid heart attack. I never expected such a miracle and it never happened.
My family was never in a financial position to splurge at Christmas time. There were some ugly holidays during those years. One year my mother took a doll I already had, made it a new dress and put it under the Christmas tree to make me think it was a new doll. I wasn’t as dense as she had hoped. I figured out the ruse in about five minutes, but I did like the old doll’s new dress.
There was another Christmas when I was ten and my sister was three that we got several fun things from Santa in December, but they were taken away in January by the repossession people. It was hard for me to understand what was happening but it was harder yet to try to explain these events to my three year old sister.
Then there was the year of the Barbie doll. We were in a store and I saw a Barbie doll for the first time. Oh my goodness! Damned if these dolls weren’t perhaps even more beautiful than the big dolls in the grocery store. These small dolls with the most amazing detail and unimaginably beautiful clothes. I would have gladly allowed someone to cut off my right arm if it meant that I might possess one of these dolls.
When I discovered Barbie my mother told me I was too big to be playing with dolls. Of course I was. Hell, I was eleven years old. But my mother didn’t appear to understand this doll was not to play with, this doll was to admire. This was a goddess doll that must be kept in her beauty and perfect condition.
That Christmas we were beyond Santa so we opened our presents on Christmas Eve. We were living in a not so attractive house at the time and things were near their all time most pitiful. My sister and I sat there on the floor and tore into our meager little pile of gifts. We took turns opening our presents. I opened one of mine and about fainted. There among the ripped up wrapping paper was a Barbie doll. Not only a Barbie doll, but an outfit for her too. It took my breath away. I was the owner of this beautiful doll. I went bananas with gratitude. I jumped up and hugged the hell out my mother and I turned around to do the same to my dad but he had had too much to drink, again, and had passed out in his chair.
It almost didn’t matter that he was drunk again. It almost didn’t matter that at the time we lived in a trailer connected to a concrete block structure that served as a living room, bedroom and bath. It almost didn’t matter that daddy’s drunkenness that night would continue for a couple of weeks. It almost didn’t matter if we were, as my grandmother used to say, “poor as a church mouse”. I was the proud owner of a Barbie doll and her outfit.
I still have that Barbie doll and I still have the outfit and all the accessories. I still have the box she came in, and she’s in perfect shape. Not a hair is mussed on her head. Each Christmas I carefully take her from the box and dress her in that gorgeous pink outfit. I place her, along with my grandmother’s old doll, in a position of honor. And every Christmas it almost doesn’t matter that I never had one of those big beautiful dolls in the box, the big dolls that smiled down to me from the shelves at the grocery store.
I have left my days of yearning for dolls behind me now. I’m now a “big girl” and much too old to be playing with dolls. I don’t want or need them anymore. But you know what? They have those big dolls in the box at the grocery store this year and when I see them, just for a tiny moment, I shrink down to that little girl who used to look up at them with such awe. That’s when the little girl tears well up in my adult eyes. But, you know what? It almost doesn’t matter.
happy holidays!
Fred and Murphy are linked at FFF
Parents are amazing, aren't they? Happy holidays.
Do you have an agent? You should. And I should be able to look up PoP and be able to buy your book in a bookstore.
This is beautiful. Thank you.
Have a great trip.
Peace to all, peace for all!
Beautiful story Patricia. Enjoy your holidays.
Happy Solstice, POP.
That is beautiful. Sad too.
Enjoy the next week, and we're sending pawsitive thoughts, headbutts and purrs to you, Mr. PoP, Murphy, and of course, Fred.
Luf, Us
Guess what, Pop? I got your snowman! I forgot my camera download cable, though, so I'll put it up tonight on both my blogs, with different versions!, so I hope you have a minute to check!
Happy whatevah!
Guess what, Pop? I got your snowman! I forgot my camera download cable, though, so I'll put it up tonight on both my blogs, with different versions!, so I hope you have a minute to check!
Happy whatevah!
Man. Very moving story. Have a wonderful holiday.
Happy holidays and a Blessed New year to the whole family!
Always a nice story for Christmas. Have a great week at the beach.
Pop, you come up with the most amazing a tear or 2 from me with this one! something about little girls and dolls at christmas always does that to me. my grandmother always made sure i had a doll under the tree at xmas, even though she could never afford the fancy ones. and then the last several years of her life, my mom gave my grandmother a doll every year at xmas, and she would shrink down to that little awestruck girl, just as you described.
that is such a beautiful picture of Murphy! (thanks for sharing the spotlight, Fred!) I wish everybody at Casa Pop a peaceful holiday! see you when you return...
Lovely story, POP. You might feel even better if next year, when you see the dolls at the grocery store, and you have a few extra bucks in your purse, to buy a couple and put them in a charity box for underprivileged children.
That might make for similar stories on blogs thirty years in the future. (If we've survived the Bush administration!) Have a Happy Christmas on Sanibel.
Quite the story Pop...
As for Murphy, I had a hard time picking him out from those stuffed toys. Perfect camouflage.
Fred, Murph, Mr & Mrs. Pop
May you and yours have a wonderful holiday filled with love and joy.
i got my favorite doll at 4.
i still remember everything about her, including the fact that i named her "frances".
have a lovely, warm, romantic holiday.and happy days to murphy and fred, of course.
I love the pic of Murphy, what a cutie. Nice of Fred to put that at the top of the post.
A beautiful and sad story, Pop. Very touching that you still have that Barbie.
I hope your holiday on the beach is a wonderful one. Best wishes to you, Mr. PoP, and the whole furry PoP household.
Fred, Murphy, Pop, and Mr PoP
Happy Solstice and Holidays!
Happy Holidays to you and your family, PoP. I have enjoyed reading your posts these past several years and I look forward to 2008 and your contributions to the world of ideas. Have a good one!
that was great.....nice way to start the holidays
may you Mr POP, murphy and fred and all the family have a great holiday season.....
and fred --- lay off the egg nog
Hell,even my eyes watered. What tremendous story. Thank you. Makes me want to go do something good for someone somewhere...
Murphy is adorable. Happy Holidays to all.
Makes ME want to buy you the damned big doll right now, big girl or not.
Murph looks right at home there that's cute
POP that is a great story. I can feel the joy. I hope you guys have a nice Christmas and keep that good outlook of yours!
It sounds as if you had the greatest gift of all, and that was your mother's love. It shows through.
I once got a Barbara Ann Scott doll, complete with little ice skates, for Christmas. I still remember that as one of my best Christmases.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
PoP, I'm sending you a huge hug for that story about your dolls. It's a beautiful moving story that is a testament to people going through and making it out of hard times. Happy holidays my friend, I love ya.
You blew me away with that story. I'm touched that your mother saw just how important that Barbie was to you and she came through with it.
In today's world, it's easy to forget that will the "things" kids have, there still might be somethig missing. Perhaps that thing is the feeling of something special, whether it's the big, beatiful doll or the video game or just getting to see one's parent again....
Happy holidays to all of you.
What a beautiful story, thanks, PoP.
Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your holiday with your loved ones.
Merry Christmas Fred ... and your humans too!
Thanks for your kind words earlier Pop - my daughter is doing well!
All the best to Murph, Fred, and the POP family from mine in Germany. Frohe Weinachten und eine herzliches Neues Jahr!
I left you a Christmas gift on my blog, PoP. Hope you enjoy it! Merry Christmas!
Here's wishin' you happy happy holidays:
Merry Yule"tide"
and an
Entertaining 2008!!
Ho, ho, ho! Santa Fixer says " you've been tagged". (Don't blame me, Lurch put me up to it. Heh ...)
Happy holidays to all at the POP family!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
have a wonderfully happy holiday.
Happy Christmas my friend.
A touching story.
Happy Holidays to the Pops, Fred and Murphy!
Merry Mhristmas Fred, Murph, Mr. and Mrs. POP!
What a FUN afternoon story! Merry Christmas and stop by anytime!
Happy Holiday!!
Hey PoP...
Just wanted to wish you a Joyous Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
God Bless.
Heh! GREAT post!
All it takes for me is to even think of Burl Ives singing "Little White Duck".
Screw Christmas.
Ho! Ho!! Ho!!! SantaCat wishes you all a purrrfect Christmas.
Next year, please leave catnip with the milk and cookies. :-)
Merry Christmas Fred!
I hope you and Mr. and Mrs. PoP have a great holiday!
Merry Christmas to you and yours PoP.
Merry Christmas Fred and family! Hope your days are fun filled days of catnip and cat naps.
Merry Chrismas to you and your family and a Happy New Year!
Yes it does matter by the way. Looking around, just thought I would say I hope you guys had a nice Christmas!
This is GREAT, PoP!
Hope you're having a terrific time. I'm looking forward to your return!
Merry Christmas, Pissed Off Patricia!
It's crappy that lil' kids have to have experiences like these sad ones...but it's also beautiful that you came through that hard childhood and are presently blessed.
Hope everyone had a lovely time walking the beach. Send us some photos of them beach shells, baby!
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Goodness, Fred the Cat, I almost missed Murphey the Dog when I looked at that photograph the first and second times. I was trying to find you. Totally missed him until you pointed him out. What a cutie. How kind you are to post him.
PoP, I know I'm late to this post. Proof of that is that I also posted a memory of a BIG Doll for xmas and also Barbie! Gosh, those dolls were so important, weren't they? My dolls did not meet good ends, though. I wish I still had my Barbie! And I would've gladly shared my BIG doll with you. I still don't know what happened to her.
This is such a great story-- really, really.
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