Thursday, July 15, 2010

Casual and Frivolous

Now we are hearing that Bristol and Levi are about to get married. Okay, fine. But here’s where it gets sort of interesting. According to what was reported on MSNBC this morning, when Levi was asked if there is a reality show in their future he said he couldn’t answer that question until the end of the week. Seems to me if there were no show involved he would have just said so.

Seeing as how Bristol’s mother has figured out a million ways to make money without doing anything, it only makes sense that her daughter might follow in her path.

See now why I named this post “casual” and “frivolous”? Ever so often one just has to kick back with useless info, and you know what else, sometimes it’s fun. Fun to watch what some people will do with their lives without giving any thought to what it will mean to their future.


Blogger Matthew Hubbard said...

I always thought there was a reality show in her future.

July 15, 2010 6:06 AM  
Blogger Sewmouse said...

Something about all this smells walrussy to me. (I'd say fishy, but trying to be Alaskanish).

SarahPAC in the news.
Suddenly, Levi apologizes and re-sets the engagement...

Something keeps nagging at me that Momma Grizzly essentially told the kiddies "Either you get married so I can run for President, or I'll make sure Levi's Mom stays in prison for the rest of her natural life"... or something similarly Chenyish

Given MommaGrizzly's hubris, I am fairly sure she doesn't blame her failure on her own lack of qualifications, but on McCain's age and Bristol's pregnancy.

July 15, 2010 8:11 AM  
Blogger Skruffy said...

Can't help wondering if the reality show will feature Levi's mom's arrest for dealing in Oxycontin...

July 18, 2010 11:27 AM  

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