Gay Marriage Can’t Hold a Candle to War
The argument from many is that same sex marriage would in some way be a threat and a harm to heterosexual marriage. Where are the facts to back that claim?
My own feeling is that the biggest possible threat and harm to heterosexual marriage is war. This war in Iraq is producing hundreds of widows and widowers. In addition many, many divorces are the result of a spouse’s deployment. Those facts are well known and apparent.
When it comes to the assault on the institution of marriage, same sex marriage appears to have no weapons and can hardly be a threat. Meanwhile this war causes casualties every day.
My own feeling is that the biggest possible threat and harm to heterosexual marriage is war. This war in Iraq is producing hundreds of widows and widowers. In addition many, many divorces are the result of a spouse’s deployment. Those facts are well known and apparent.
When it comes to the assault on the institution of marriage, same sex marriage appears to have no weapons and can hardly be a threat. Meanwhile this war causes casualties every day.
Good Morning PoP,
As usual you found the absolute truth in an issue thrown out by Congress Critters to stir up the base.
It is so much better for those of all genders to be engaged in holding hands rather than hand to hand combat.
And not even to mention how bad war is for children. Of course these sanctimonious idiots would prefer orphans to adoptions by gay couples. . .
Shhhh. You're not supposed to mention the war dead. Unless you're a Republican defending the war, then use can use them as an excuse as to why more soldiers must die, so the others that have died won't be dishonored.
Most people who oppose gay marriage lack the ability to grasp the legal and property issues that gay couples encounter, but blowing shit up? That's just good entertainment!
Going out and shooting guns around and killing shit is just plain fun. Clean fun. Ted Nugent kinda fun. Sometimes firecrackers in beer cans can be delightful too, especially if it is dusty outside and the gunpowder and the dust make a mushroom cloud bigger then a squirrels butt. Two guys holding hands, well, that's enough to make a guy get drunk as a skunk and go home and beat up his wife, which tends to break up marriages. That is how gay marriage ruins same-sex marriage. Happens all the time.
Oooops, I was typing with my heart over my hand and screwed up my words. I meant, that's how gay marriage ruins straight marriage!
You've got to understand that to most of these people, being gay is a "choice". Therefore, if they legitimize it in any way, more and more people will "choose" to be gay. That means more and more spouses will arbitrarily decide to leave their oppossite sex partners for their same sex best friends, more and more children will decide that "hey, it's 'cool' to be a homosexual, get with it'" (after being heartily encouraged to do so by liberal academics pursuing a "radical homosexual agenda"), and in time the US will become a modern, souless, 300 million person plus Sodom and Gommorrhah, cornholeing and blowjobbing their ways merrily to hell while Satan laughs with fiendish glee.
And, of course, as we all know, gay men are such sissified pansies the military will fall apart-though admitedly those butch lesbians will keep us going for awhile, albeit hanging by a thread.
Its all as atavistic as the old laws barring mixed race marriages and no matter how hard the moral luddites resist, they will not prevent change.
The whole "threat" issue is a smokescreen for the politics of division. By creating fear that lifestyles, groups, countries, etc are under threat of assault, you can get your supporters to forgo other analysis or conclusions and circle the wagons tighter. Sadly, this technique continues to work for many of the loyal base, but hopefully the size of that group appears to be dwindling. But the needless carnage continues until sanity replaces sound-bites in our political discourse.
I think that down deep, most Americans who outwardly support the occupation of Iraq are pretty uncomfortable about it. They mouth the words, but they know that innocent people are being killed every day without justification.
That makes them uncomfortable, and they'd rather hear about anything else - gay marriage, flag burning, Brad and Angelina - anything at all but Iraq.
Amen, sista.
hafta agree with you completely on this one ...
You say it, PoP. My sweet brother, who's gay, is absolutely no threat to any straight marriage.
I agree. It's all a smokescreen. I have a gay sister, and her partner had a kid with donated sperm. The kid is the happiest one I have ever seen. Lil Tucker Rocks!! I just love him to death. He even does a lil dance we call his happy dance. It is so funny to see him when he gets excited and goes into his dance. And as far as I can tell, I don't see how this can destroy someone elses life. Pure GOP bullshit!!
I dunno. Two guys kissing might blow up and then where would we be? We'd have to get the UN involved. My sister in Canada says that there have been a number of hetro marriages dissolving on the spot just by encountering an article on gay marriage. This administration has raged on about everything, but that which is truly key to humanity. Jerks all.
Which has always left me wondering why they have a policy of "don't ask don't tell" or some siuch nonsense if they are eager to do away with the gays they might as well keep them enlisted with the machine...right? Fear is and has been the death of the bigotted minds. Period.
They complain because they are full of hot air.
I'll have to use that argument the next time someone tries to tell me gay marriage is some kind of threat. Imagine the conversation:
Bleating idiot: "Gay unions should be shunned!"
Me: "Really? What do you think of the war in Iraq?"
BI: "I support it."
Me: "Why do you hate the institution of marriage?"
And go from there...
Are the fancy boys trying to stop me from the white women AGAIN????
listen if you want to slow down homosexual sex, just let them get married and stop having sex like the rest of us married folk - I mean sheesh, is that so difficult?
but hey! if we can convince good honest folk that thar is a vans of dem god-hatin homos drivin' round nice neighbourhoods (ya know them types wit da green lawns wit none of dem weeds and nice rounded shrubberies) jumpin' out and havin dat god-hatin homo sex in front of god-lovin' families right in da middle of der family prayers - den whos gonna notice any dang war?
Yeah callooh!
The gay issue is simply an escape button to stop discussing real problems. I'ld take this particular argument (the threat to hetero marriage) seriously if the people using it also wanted to make divorce illegal, at the very least when there are under-age children and no abuse.
But that's not to say that pushing for gay marriage is a good idea either. That's simply the Democratic party's way to push the same hot button issue to avoid talking about real issues such as war, poverty, education and government budgets.
Hi pat. Just got back & trying to catch up, but, wanted to stop by & say Hi!
Politics is about pushing buttons, period. If you are on the right, you get the rightys all riled up. If you are on the left, ditto with the leftys. When we finally get that figured out we'll get somewhere.
Hey there,
The real stunner to me was in the two days preceeding the decision, the news was describing the argument against gay marriage saying, among other things, that it would contribute to poverty and un-wed teen pregnancies. Wha?
Well put PoP. Nothing ruins a hetero marriage quite like destroying the family home, eliminating gainful employment, killing or maiming the wife or husband or even the children.
The quiet version of this is poverty, hunger, a low minimum wage, poor schools, no universal healthcare and a government that couldn't give a shit about vulnerable people. Hard on marriage and family...
Actually, as a card carrying heterosexual male (you get the card the first time you go in to a strip club) I can tell you that the greatest threat to heterosexual marriage is not gay marriage or war, but heterosexuality itself.
Yours in manliness,
My wife had a thought the other day. She asked 'Why are governments in the business of licensing sacrements?'
This marriage thing is a separation-of-church & state issue. If anyone wants to get married, they should go to as many churches they want to and get married as many times as they like. Marriage is a religion thing.
Governments should be in the business of issuing 'domestic partnership licenses', based on whatever criteria, excepting sex or religion of the participants.
Now that's the truth, ain't it?
Right on, Endorendil. The GOP spinners will do whatever they can to distract people from the real issues, especially turning to the emotional "hot-button" crap when an important election looms.
Congrats on the Crooks and Liars linkage,PoP.
And yes hon,you are correct.War is an enormous threat to marriages and families.Not just the deaths,but think of all the disabled veterans and what that does to them and their families too.
Why aren't the Democrats using this line?
Damn that's good.
It's such a perfect way to switch the focus immediately from gay marriage to the war. They try to distract, but this line won't let them.
I hope Dem pols and candidates start using this line over and over. Especially the ones that voted for the war so they can look like the hypocrites they are.
When has this administration sullied itself with anything so base as evidence or logic.
Chuck la Roast here...
I'm from Vermont and I know the horrors civil unions can cause. Since our Governor (the infamous faux-but-more-bona-fide-than-most liberal, Howard Dean) hid in the closet and signed that bill into law (no pictures should be taken of such things - only in Ontario do they do that), the rednecks have begun getting cranky... not about any significant influx of homosexuals, rather about the idea of homosexuality - that idea... that the progressives brought up.
In the current context... its all meant to distract. Whether gay marraige or war... neither one has to do with $200 trillion dollars in our economy that DON'T EXIST (a goddamn good reason to go to war and begin spending and borrowing to preserve the illusion that our money exists in the quatities it seems to exist in). Neither one [gay marriage or war] has to do with Caspian Sea oil. Neither one has to do with democracy [niether would be viable if democracy were in effect], our excuse for imposing military rule on whoever we can. Have your uninfluenced vote neglected at home and have a duress-ridden vote counted that was cast on the wrong end of a machine gun some foreigner holds abroad.
Mostly just a delay in balancing the checkbook though... don't look. And some people also know that a majority of the country is against gay marraige [is this thread suggesting un-democratic things should be foisteed on the citizens of a democracy], they are just using their knowledge to extend manipulation through fear.
[sarcasm implied by author - you decide where to preserve something...]
Wow, you are wielding the hammer of truth lately (post above and this one). Run away, stupid people. POP is on a rampage.
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