Shopping, the New Panacea
Once again, this is just my feline point of view.
When the awfulness of 9-11 happened you folks were told the way for you to help was to “go shopping”.
Now your country is in a big financial mess and your government is going to give you money and they want you to take it and go shopping.
Jeez, is shopping the new answer to all American problems? I have a suggestion. Go shopping for an intelligent competent human being and elect that person as your president in November. The president you have now must have come from the reject bin in come cut-rate store. He’s an embarrassment to your species.
Have a great weekend and share some of your time with Mother Nature
Fred the Cat (the cat who loves you guys)
do you want to run? You are much wiser and more intelligent that any of the cretans currently campaigning.
as always you look awfully cute. I hope your mom feeds you the good stuff --- not the stuff the president says we should buy with our $600 -- the stuff from China.
Shopping -- the panacea for life!
off to Bloomies!
Fred, I dunno, but you like *pissed* in your photo.
I feel the same way you do, #43 is pretty much a waste of perfectly good human tissue.
Well we are on the down hill slide in replacing him. Let's just hope the American people make the right choice or you will have another 4 years of disgust awaiting.
Shopping? May I suggest a new Portable Hair dryer?
Shopping. My heart breaks for our land.
Just as it has been. And just as it will be.
Fred's got that pensive & wise look on his furry little face again.
Amazing how unsubtle this president has been. I mean, for years, the anxiety generator known as The American News Media has been sending people to to mall on short-term feel-good missions of retail therapy, but this clown ... "Big Daddy's sending you a check! Go to the mall! Have some fun! It's your economic duty to SPEND SPEND SPEND!"
Rip up those checks and send them back!!! It's your duty, people!
Fred the cat for president! He's gotta be better than what we've got!
Instaed of shopping stay home and write a check to pay off some of your credit charges! They make you feel like credit cards are not attached to money sent back for goods rec'd.
I went shopping for a President just the other day, and they were all out of those with the kung-fu grip and motorcycle accessory. I hope our next President comes with those.
I vote that we all stop shopping until our illegal actions in Iraq have ceased!
I will be spending time with nature this weekend.
Fred, have a great weekend. I hope you get lots of naps.
Another great post, Fred. A good nap cures so much of what ails ya. Of course, when I wake up, Chimpy's still in charge--but at least I'm well rested.
Or, we could send our checks to the campaign of our choice - in my case, Obama's. :)
Fred, that check is a down payment on a republican president in 2009. They can't have the economy tanking for the next few months, people will be very unhappy. So, we dip into our empty coffers and pull out money we borrow from China and send it to everyone so they can buy goods made in China. See. It's good for the economy, isn't it? I like the idea of giving the money to local school districts.
tax cuts fred! you forgot the other parts of our national cure-all. shopping and tax cuts and war make a trifecta.
if you got nothing,
you got nothing to lose.
Fred, you are obviously the wisest cat I know. Excellent point. Perhaps you should run for president.
right on!
Fred, excellent post. I agree with you, and so does Baxter. He feels people are way too invested in the whole idea of buying "things." He can make do with only one favorite mousie toy and that's all he needs. We could learn some lessons from you cats.
Donate that check to Green Peace, or some other group which does good work.
Unless the POPs have you and Murphy as bonafide dependents, you and I will not be seeing any checks from the IRS, so don't get fitted for any new kitty-britches.
I am a little frosted by the idiotic notion that it has to be tied to 2007 income taxes. If they think a stimulus is required, just send $1000 cash cards to the 120 million poorest men, women and children in the country with the stipulation that it has to be spent within the next nine months. That way it could not be spent (directly at least) on crystal meth and Jack Daniels (you could kill somebody with that much money at one time.) I guess W. insisted that at least some of it had to go to people who might vote Republican.
Fred,you are a provocative little devil, aren't you? i say every city pools all the checks that would go to the citizens there, and instead build a fully subsidized nonprofit hospital.
Fred - If you keep asking questions like that the big, bad GOP animal control officer may pay you a special visit. Please STFU and go with the program. I hear there's a sale on catnip at Petco.
It is the answer for businesses who are Bush's biggest benefactors and concern.
Fred, I went shopping. On 06 NOV 2007. I was billed that day, the item hasn't been shipped, and the bill is outstanding. As told Sears, "I'm not paying until you deliver."
Have trouble with my attitude? Call your boy, George.
Now, now, I think somebody needs a box or two of new cat toys! Remember- if you don't shop, the terrorists win!!
now there's a slogan for the 21st Century...
Fred, I did just that, but the humans are too busy shopping to pay attention to issues. As a result, he's a distant third.
We're a nation of cheap plastic crap. We aren't even human beings any longer, we're action figures with 27 independent articulated joints. When one tires of us we're thrown in a bin with the other discarded toys.
And then they shop for more.
Shopping.. does this include groceries???? Ok... I'll stop grocery shopping Fred... if that's what is takes....
Fred.. you're cute... are you single? ;-)
Purrsonally, we all are voting for Cheysuli. Felines for World Domination!
Luf, Us
pop, for the first time, I take offense to something your cat has said.
I am NOT a retarded monkey. I am a sentient human being. The assertion that Chimpy and I are from the same species is insulting and inaccurate.
hey, Fred--
thanx for the good words.
it's good to know you're pulling for us.
that's more than this admin is doing.
Netflix "Maxed Out" a documentary from last year that basically predicts this whole mess....
BTW I saw the title and thought it said "Shopping for Pancreas," which I could use.
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