Thursday, December 09, 2010

Bike Buying Buzz

Saturday we will be buying a shiny new bike with training wheels for a little five year old girl whom we have never seen or met. We will be the Santa for her this Christmas.

Mr. Pop’s lab employees again this year adopted a family for Christmas. They will be buying food and all sorts of wonderful things for a single mother and her three little girls. When one of the girls from the lab spoke with the mom over the phone the lady asked her to please not spend any money on her and instead use that money for a bike for her oldest little girl. When Mr. Pop and I heard about this we told the girl at the lab that she could count on us to buy the bike and a helmet.

So we are all a buzz about heading out Saturday morning to get this little girl her Christmas wish. Don’t tell anyone but chances are we will be picking up some things for her baby sisters as well.


Blogger Taradharma said...

oh, what fun!! Imagine the JOY those girls are going to have on Christmas. This is the true spirit of the season and it makes me feel hopeful for our puny little lives.

December 09, 2010 12:17 PM  

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